Study pedagogy

  • applicants for education in the field who are not accepted can take dance pedagogy courses as part of "Further education for teaching staff"
  • is prepared for university studies in the fields of: dance science (pedagogy, choreography, theory and criticism), physical education, cultural and sports management, dance and sports physiotherapy, promotion - communication - p.r. etc.
  • the graduate is well trained in the pedagogy of the basics of scenic dance techniques and additional subjects for preparatory and basic performance levels (schools and extracurricular activities such as ZUŠ, DDM, clubs for dance sports, movement aesthetic sports, etc.)
  • concluded with a discharge with an emphasis on artistic and pedagogical performance, theoretical subjects of additional pedagogical studies and a graduate thesis
  • full-time study at a dance conservatory with a differentiated plan in a four-year educational model, concluded with a graduation in the field of dance and artistic-pedagogical preparation

Length of study: 4 years - teaching according to a differentiated plan + 12 weekend (2-3 day) classification seminars per year + three weekly concentration, the weekend schedule includes 12 practical and 4 theoretical hours + individual consultations + 6 hours of group and divided teaching and consultations

Admission procedure: talent tests and "difference exams" will allow successful applicants to be admitted to the 5th year of the eight-year dance conservatory, the condition is that they have at least started studying at a high school with a high school diploma or completed high school education (high school graduation), in the case of a university

Differentiated educational program: a four-year educational model focused primarily on "artistic, pedagogical and professional training" - tan methodology. technique, pedagogical subjects and professional theory

Profile of the graduate: the study is completed with a discharge with an emphasis on artistic and pedagogical performance, theoretical subjects of additional pedagogical studies and a graduate thesis. The graduate is APPROVED for teaching dance up to the conservatory level and additional subjects for preparatory and basic performance levels (schools and extracurricular activities such as ZUŠ, DDM, clubs for dance sports, movement aesthetic sports, etc.). The graduate is optimally prepared for university studies in the fields of: dance science (pedagogy, choreography, theory and criticism), physical education, cultural and sports management, dance - sports physiotherapy, art therapy, promotion - media communication - public relations, etc.

How to log in? Applicants fill out and send by mail or e-mail an application for studying at a high school, conservatory in the field with a talent test, and we will then inform you of the date of the tests. Applicants take practical and theoretical tests (bring: training clothes and shoes, stationery), documents of previous studies: officially certified copy of school leaving certificate or secondary school certificate or university diploma, optional: recommendation from school - employer, confirmation of work experience, etc.

Criteria for selecting participants:

1. the applicant is an unapproved pedagogue of a conservatory, elementary school, ZUŠ, sports department trainer, professional dancer - has a teaching but not a professional education - is accepted based on the results of talent tests and the recommendation of the director of the relevant school, sports unit, club, section, school department of the region etc.

2. the applicant is a professional dancer with many years of artistic experience - he has a professional, but not a pedagogical, education - he is accepted on the basis of the results of talent tests and the recommendation of the director of the company, theater, etc.

3. the applicant is a graduate of a non-teaching or non-artistic high school or university, he is accepted on the basis of the results of talent tests and documents on previous studies, his study is designed as an additional study of pedagogy and at the same time artistic and pedagogical preparation in the field of "dance"

Subjects taught:

1. Body Building - preparation for teaching dance techniques: development of physical and psychological prerequisites, posture, joint and muscle disposition, rhythmic feeling, acrobatics, movement coordination, movement intelligence

2. Classical techniques - teaching methodology: practice, theory

3. Modern techniques, or eclectic combination of graham, limón, horton techniques - "contemporary dance", teaching methodology: practice, theory, info on historical forms - expressive dance, modern dance

4. Jazz techniques - teaching methodology: practice, theory

5. Folk and ethnic dance: Czech, Moravian and Slovak folklore, flamenco, Afro, clogging etc.

6. Additional techniques: dance sports, tap, acrobatics, ballroom dancing

7. Pedagogy, psychology, didactics: with regard to the needs of student categories - theory

8. History of dance: selected topics of the history of dance and theater, current dance trends, creators, schools

9. Basic musical concepts - theory: selected areas with regard to the RVP ZUŠ

10. History of music: selected topics of the history of music, musically dramatic and synthetic genres

11. History of fine arts and architecture: selected topics from the field

12. Professional training: cultural management, economics, copyright, promotion, fundraising, stage technique, digital sound and image processing

13. Anatomy and physiology: selected courses with regard to the needs of elementary schools, vocational schools and the graduate profile, relaxation, compensatory and rehabilitation theory and practice, methodology for the dance profession

14. Basics of choreography: construction of a choreographic etude, movement compositions - focused on preparation and a way to present one's own pedagogical work and the work of one's students