School characteristics

School atmosphere - educational aspect

"A cultivated personality is the result of an appropriate education" (Socrates).

"The school environment must therefore lead pupils and teachers to behave and act in a cultured and decent manner in every situation. The environment should represent a kind of ideal where pupils and teachers can rely on each other, trust each other and can rely on each other for help: a 'second family', a 'second home', where altruism and assertiveness are fundamental: selfless help without reward, the success of the individual is our common success, envy and jealousy are suppressed, everyone is part of the whole, everyone bears part of the responsibility.

School is an important socializing space as a tool for social integration and individual differentiation. It is a space of social contact that influences and shapes attitudes towards other people - there should be a continuity with family education.

Traditionally, a protective function is attributed to the school (abuse of the child by adults in all directions: sex, work, transgression of normal social conformity, etc.). Today: protection from the neurotic influences of society in post-modern civilisation.

The school is a "repository for human ideals": moral values and human virtues."

(Jedlička, Richard; Kot'a, Jaroslav; Slavik, Jan: Pedagogical Psychology for Teachers, Grada, 2018)

The above text (they are not the only experts who share the same opinion, we chose them because they know the Czech environment well, especially the Czech Republic) is a good example of a text that is not only a text of the Czech Republic. R. Jedlička is a practicing psychotherapist who mainly works with adolescents) expresses our idea of the philosophy of school. We still believe (even though cyberspace imposes something different on today's generations) that truth, honesty, a sense of justice, realistic judgement in taking positions, right down to shared joy, are basic human values, that it is necessary to be able to distinguish between private and public social roles, that family and work are the basis of the meaning of life.

The lack of self-reflection of the current generations, the lack of healthy ambition, the inability to distinguish between reality and the idea of it, to set long-term goals, are currently a big "nut" for educational establishments - even in our environment, when, especially in practical subjects (mirror and visual comparison) it seemed easier and obvious. Teaching the student to have a realistic view and understanding of the complex world that now surrounds them is the fundamental purpose of the educational part of the educational process.

In the specific environment of a selective school, where everyone knows and knows about each other, where educators work with students with similar specific goals, where the profile of the graduate is clearly given, we consider objective and honest evaluation based on real learning outcomes to be the only possible. Mutual trust between educators, students and parents is absolutely essential.

Specific aspects of dance education

Physical Appearance. Rather than the Romantic ballet period, a variety of physical appearance is preferred - provided that the muscular relief is absolutely evident - including a natural appearance: hair and nail colour, length and style, absence of tattoos, piercings, earrings, necklaces, rings, watches and bracelets - among other safety reasons!

Specific volitional qualities: as in top athletes: exceptional willpower, which allows the repetition of movement stereotypes in training and adherence to a lifestyle in pursuit of a higher goal.

Specific character traits: unlike in sports, a dancer must perform to a standard not only physically but mentally. It is a sensorimotor performance where imagination and experience play a vital role. In addition, he or she must learn to work professionally with all involved (other dancers, teacher, choreographer, etc.) regardless of intuitive personal desires, likes or dislikes.

Lifestyle and healthy living is part of the curriculum: specifically, anatomy and physiology in the first half of the course and, in more detail, in the social sciences and arts and education courses in the 7th and 8th years.

Professional psychological support for risky behaviour

Risk behaviour: such as aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, risky forms of communication via multimedia; violence, vandalism, intolerance, anti-Semitism, extremism, racism and xenophobia, homophobia; truancy, addictive behaviour, substance abuse, netolism, gambling, etc.

In this sense, as a specific dance conservatory, we have the "bar" set higher than is realistic for other types of schools. The environment of the already selected individuals and the goals of the educational concept "conservatory-gymnasium" allow us to do so. We consistently focus on short-term absenteeism, especially in the younger grades (hindering progress, especially in practice), and we carefully review direct and indirect communication between students.

Talent support (see Education Act, Decree No. 27/2016):

All successful students participate in periodical artistic events throughout their studies: Christmas dance scene, International dance weeks, Dance teachers of the year, Open days at the House of Dance Arts, FOK youth programs, and at the end of the school year there are Graduation and Final performances.

From the 3rd year onwards, we offer students with excellent results membership in their own artistic ensembles, which, through a selective repertoire and professional production and technical background, carry out extensive public artistic activity, or cultural service.

In cooperation with other professionals in the field, we offer students a high-quality performance of dance theater as a study extension.

Evaluation of study results - see point 10 of the School Regulations

Theory: evaluation according to the classification order 1–5.

Practice: commission exams, always at the end of the semester according to the School Act.

Verbal evaluation every quarter: the teaching staff at the meeting evaluates each student individually, expressing praise for visible progress or excellent results. However, if he comes to the conclusion that an individual warning about insufficient results is necessary, he will express this verbally and offer a way to correct it (e.g. the results in the subject English need to be improved, the passive range needs to be individually improved, etc.).

Note If the pedagogical council concludes that the student's development and progress is as expected, he is not included in the list of verbal evaluations.

Evaluation of individual progress in practice: an attachment to the report card of each semester, from the point of view of practice, this is essential information for the student (not all students started with the same level of talent development, entered the process later, had a long-term illness, etc.) so it is important to be aware your personal progress.

© Teaching staff, management, director 2024

School attendance

We know from practice that attendance is not a priority in primary schools (and even in grammar schools). But for a professional and strictly selective school - a dance conservatory, consistent long-term performance is absolutely essential: such students disrupt and disrupt the entire educational and artistic process, and their bodies clearly suffer from the irregular load.

Real reasons:

A/ Teaching in practical subjects: Every expert (physiologist, psychologist, physiotherapist, trainer, pedagogue) in sports, dance or similar physically demanding education confirms that a regular teaching regime, precisely dosed in a daily and weekly firman spread over the entire school year, is essential (approx. 42 weeks). Therefore, frequency and regular repetition are essential, which lead to healthy development, consistent progress and subsequent success in the field.

It may sound absurd to a layman, but regular physical exercise must become a "need" for a student, in this sense he must develop his free qualities. Another part is the development of emotional intelligence, when the student feels responsible not only for his results, but he needs cooperation and a sense of belonging with the whole group (and not just before the performance).

"Dance exercises the whole being. It helps you feel at home in your body, orient and understand your inner experience. More than this, dance develops your inner discipline, your sensitivity to others and your awareness of your own feelings - valuable strengths in your everyday life . Best of all, it involves releasing an energy that lets you dance just for the joy of life."

(Cohan, Robert: Dance Workshop, introduction, London Contemporary Dance School, 1986)

B/ Theory classes are no less important. Because our school education concept "conservatory-gymnasium" places considerable emphasis on theoretical education as well, the didactics and methodology in individual subjects are set so that the student learns as much as possible during lessons at school. Our statistically based experience shows that students are the most successful in matriculation and graduation, figuratively speaking: with almost 100% attendance during their studies (this is especially noticeable for boys).

The main reason for the absence is illness: the student is excused by the legal representative on the 1st day of absence between 7.30 - 8.00 through the Edookit system. The end of the absence as well as short-term planned absences during the day are important information for coordinating transport to the dormitory, to the swimming pools, to the theater, or to other school events.

Planned absence (doctor's visit, etc.): if it is only for 1 day: the student reports the absence to the class teacher, the legal representative then records it on Edookit.

If it is for several days (family vacation, etc.): the legal representative submits a written request to the school management, real information is collected through practical and theory class teachers, based on which the conservatory management makes a decision (for reasons of etiquette, the request should include a specific reason).

If a student cannot practice for any reason, the management of the conservatory will only respect a medical recommendation, where the degree of restriction and the length of the necessary absence will be clearly and precisely stated - see School Regulations point 11.

Note on point ad 4:

If a student is only studying theory, he does not have to participate in a practical lesson (actively watching a lesson without physical participation is very mentally demanding), unless the teacher requests his presence (repertoire teaching, etc.). The time can be used for theoretical study at home or in the school study room, the legal representative should take control of the meaningful use of this time.

Rehabilitation program:

The conservatory offers rehabilitation, massages, and a gym.

At least every 3rd week, the student has mandatory rehabilitation in the pool (+ hot tubs, sauna, etc.) - excuse: dtto school attendance.

At the beginning and during the school year, the practicum teacher (consultation with the therapist) can determine for the student, if he identifies a minor anatomical defect or other physical deficiency, mandatory individual rehabilitation, for which the student goes to the therapist, or the therapist assigns him individual exercises.

Every student has a daily appointment from 8.00 - 8.30 with a therapist in case he has acute physical problems.

Every student can sign up for a weekly schedule for massage or rehabilitation (after agreement with the therapist), lunch break time, theory time is recommended (after agreement with the relevant teacher).

For serious movement or physical problems, the conservatory has a permanent contract with the orthopedic clinic AVE Clinic (ORTHOPEDICKO-TRAUMATOLOGICKÉ CENTRUM, Londýnská 160, Prague).

1st-year students undergo an entrance examination in the rehabilitation conservatory, and specific rehabilitation procedures are prescribed based on its results.

Scholarship program:

For students whose parents would not be able to pay the contribution to the above-standard program, the Board of Trustees allocates a scholarship: the chief economist has developed a methodology according to which the amount of the scholarship is allocated. The scholarship is then conditional on the student's study results for each semester (individually, according to the student's real possibilities).

Visiting the show

As part of talent support, the educational program includes professional background for the production and implementation of dance theater (see School atmosphere, Talent support). The educational intention consists in mutual support (a fellow performer - a fellow spectator - as a spectator I refine my tastes and have the possibility of comparison, I can support the promotion and media coverage of the performance) and loyalty in the sense: these are "our events".

© Teaching staff, management, director 2024